Late bird sunset
Late bird sunset

late bird sunset

On Sauvie Island, a birder found a late Brewer’s Sparrow at the Oak Island Boat Launch. Columbia County hosted both a Swainson’s Hawk at CZ trail and a very late Rough-legged Hawk in Clatskanie this week. Ash-throated Flycatchers are one of the later migrants, and, true to form, one was found on Tuesday in Clackamas. With the majority of spring migration behind us, rare bird reports are slowing to a trickle.

late bird sunset

The jury is still out, and hopefully the bird will stick around long enough to answer some questions. The bird has raised eyebrows because of its interesting looking bill, and face, prompting speculation that it could be a juvenile Neotropic Cormorant (which would be a state first record), while others have suggested a Neotropic x Double-crested hybrid (which are known to occur, especially as Neotropics expand their range), or possibly just a weird looking young Double-crested. The most debated bird of the week came from Force Lake where a, well, cormorant of some sort has been unwarily fishing and basking in the sun. Rare bird reports continue to slow, but a very intriguing report came from Whitaker Ponds this week in the form of a singing Northern Waterthrush that was recorded, but never seen, and never heard again. Just like that, summer is here, with the solstice behind us, birds settling in to their nesting, and (finally) some warmth and sun. Take Action Take Action Post news and reviewsīold: Local rarity | CAPS: Statewide rarity.

Late bird sunset